Home Sweet Home... Homing pigeon in her nest box

by Andrea Lazar
Home Sweet Home... Homing pigeon in her nest box
Andrea Lazar
Photograph - Photography
Home Sweet Home. This sweet homing pigeon was busy rearranging the nest her mate constructed for her out of twigs and leaves. Isn't that just like a typical female!
Also called messenger or carrier pigeons when they are used to carry messages, the homing pigeon was selectively bred from the Rock Pigeons which had the innate ability to return to its own nest and its own mate over extemely long distances. They have been recorded to fly as long as 1,100 miles and racing speeds averaging 50 mph with a record top speed of 110 mph. What remarkable feats for these beautiful gentle little beings.
Proud to be the 3rd place winner in the Pigeon contest at FAA.
February 15th, 2013
Comments (23)

Nikolyn McDonald
Congratulations on the tie for 3rd place in the Pigeons contest - very nice framing here.

Susan Duda
I love this image It reminds me of a shot I took in Assisi two doves were nesting up in the rafters in an Rosary walk area but my camera didn't get the shot it was quite blurry on film I need to paint the painting instead of fretting over the lost shot. Yours is lovely, she is beautiful. V
Andrea Lazar replied:
Susan - thank you for sharing that. There is something so loving and sweet about these birds in their homes like this, isn't there? It touches us in some beautiful way. I hope you do paint your vision - and I'd love to see the result!

Andrea Lazar
Ella - thank you very much for the feature in the Nature Wildlife sunsets & sunrises group