Steel Black and Blue Petals

by Andrea Lazar
Steel Black and Blue Petals
Andrea Lazar
Photograph - Fine Art Photograph
Disguised in an unexpected color range, the essence of the delicately beautiful tulip petals still shines through. And its reflection just enhances the loveliness of its graceful form and structure with the anther and filament still attached to the fallen petals. Nature's artistry at its most remarkable!
I was honored to have this image be chosen to be the Mega Feature on the home page of the wonderful group Self Taught Artists. Thank you, Kami!
Andrea Lazar
Andrea Lazar Photography
Closencounters Photography
All rights reserved.
September 16th, 2014
Comments (99)

Luther Fine Art
Congratulations for your feature on the home page the ABC Group from our themed week U IS USUAL ITEMS PRESENTED ARTISTICALLY. February 26, 2024 - MARCH 4, 2024.
Andrea Lazar replied:
Thank you very much for the feature in the ABC Group theme Usual Items Presented Artistically.

Christopher James
Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group ..... Feel free to place your featured image in the Features Archive and any Genre specific Archive l/f/tw
Andrea Lazar replied:
Christopher, thank you very much for the feature in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group.

April Pilley
I just love this; the color palate, lines and patterns are all great. Wonderfully well done! l/f

Denise Harty
Congratulations of the feature of your wonderful image in the Women Photographers group! L/F

Toni Hopper
Congratulations Andrea on your feature in Women Photographers group! It looks like a feather, so imagine my surprise when I realized that it was a petal of a tulip! Amazing image! You may archive it in May Features discussion for a longer permanent record and where others will also see it in the future.

Andrea Lazar
Toni, thank you very much for the feature in the group Women Photographers - One a Day!

VIVA Anderson
Amazingly beautiful ........fv..................VIVA
Andrea Lazar replied:
Viva - thank you so much for your wonderful comment - I really appreciate the support!