Wings of a Conure

by Andrea Lazar
Wings of a Conure
Andrea Lazar
Photograph - Fine Art Photography
Caught in the act of stretching, Tinga, a jenday conure, shows off her stunning wings.
This Brazilian beauty belongs to a family of long-tailed parrots, the tribe Arini, which also includes the Central and South American macaws. She actually looks like a mini macaw, and she is capable of vocalizations that can be heard several houses away - and we live on 5 acres! As the self-appointed family watch-dog, she announces our startled visitors with a call that obviously would serve her well in her native tropical Brazilian forest.
Honored to have this image win first place in the Splash of Color contest on FAA.
Andrea Lazar
Andrea Lazar Photography.
Closencounters Photography.
All rights reserved
January 21st, 2014
Comments (141)

Dale Kincaid
Congratulations! Your fantastic art has been featured in the OHIO ARTISTS Group gallery! You are invited to post your work in the feature archive discussion.

Gary F Richards
Spectacular Wings of a Conure composition, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! Congratulations on your beautiful moving Feature! F/L
Andrea Lazar replied:
Gary, thank you very much for your lovely comment and your support. Honored to have this featured in this great group.

Lyric Lucas
Congratulations, your creative and unique art work is Featured on the homepage of the "Out Of The Ordinary 1 A Day" group! 3/7/24

Liesl Walsh
Love the mood and color of this! lf
Andrea Lazar replied:
Thank you very much! I appreciate you taking time - sorry, I haven't answered more promptly.

Meryl Goudey
Beautiful feather painting! L/F
Andrea Lazar replied:
Thank you, Meryl! But I can't take credit for the feather 'painting' - that was done by nature. I only snapped the photo.

Luther Fine Art
Congratulations! Your marvelous art has been featured on the Home Page of the ABC Group. This art has been selected from the ABC GROUP C IS FOR COLORFUL themed week! You are invited to add this wonderful art to the features archive.