Black Tulip

by Andrea Lazar
Black Tulip
Andrea Lazar
Photograph - Fine Art Photograph
While I can create a version of a black tulip from a photo of a yellow variegated variety, there is no such thing as a black tulip.
The black tulip has eluded plant breeders and hybridizers for centuries. For a time in the 16th century, the craze for creating ever more beautiful and rare tulips grew to epic proportions. The black tulip was the most elusive of all and became the symbol for a quest for what is truly unique. The closest to date is a very deep purple which is very dramatic, but still not black.
But I can certainly understand why nature has resisted adding a black version to its line-up of the myriad of remarkable tulip colors - a true black tulip would definitely be at a disadvantage in vying for the attention of the pollinators who are vital to its existence.
Honored to have this image Super Featured in the group Self Taught Artists.
Andrea Lazar
Andrea Lazar Photography
Closencounters Photography
All rights reserved.
September 16th, 2014
Comments (12)

Alberto RuiZ
Your flowers are diferent! Unique and very creative artwork!
Andrea Lazar replied:
Thank you very much, Alberto - very sweet of you to leave such a nice comment!

Connie Handscomb
F l o w s .............. Andrea ; an artistic rendition that is a tribute to 'yellow' variegated tulips everywhere :))) {I always thought there WAS a black tulip .. no, hmm...; thank you too for the educational commentary}
Andrea Lazar replied:
Thank you, Connie, for your wonderful comment! It seems nature keeps winning this one!