Mr. Chips Photo Shoot

by Andrea Lazar
Mr. Chips Photo Shoot
Andrea Lazar
Photograph - Fine Art Photography
This adorable little guy made himself right at home as if the table was set just for him. Busy vacuuming the railing, he hardly looked up at me and the camera. Looking at the shots side by side, I couldn't resist putting them together as a montage.
Not only do I find them totally adorable and entertaining, Mr. Chips and his many relatives are welcome in my backyard. If you only see these remarkable little beings as the noisy skiddish rodents that eat the bulbs and ornamental flowers in your garden and should be eradicated, a little knowledge about their role in nature's overall scheme may change your mind. Their most important ecological role is the spreading of seeds. And as they forage on the ground for seeds and insects and other small edibles, they help spread the fungi within a forest, including the special fungi that live around tree roots and that are critical to tree survival. Pretty amazing!
More about them here:
Andrea Lazar Photography.
Closencounters Photography
All rights reserved.
May 2nd, 2014
Comments (22)

Anne Ditmars
Super cute assemblage Andrea! Precious little creature! Following your outstanding work!
Andrea Lazar replied:
Anne - thank you so much for your wonderful comments. It made me look at him again and enjoyed remembering him!

Byron Varvarigos
Supreme cuteness x 4! Super work, Andrea! : ) LF
Andrea Lazar replied:
Byron - your comment makes me laugh - like these little guys do! Thank you for the support.

Deb Halloran
Andrea, What a creative collage...I love it. This little guys is so sweet...nicely done. v/f

Ian Mitchell
Cool work ....very creative.....v/f !!
Andrea Lazar replied:
Ian, thank you for the great comment, I really appreciate it, and also thanks for your support!

Chrisann Ellis
Andrea, So Fun...Creative...and Beautiful!!...like.add
Andrea Lazar replied:
Hi, Chrisann - thank you for your comment. I wasn't so sure about this one - not my norm, but just for the fun I thought I'd try something different. Thank you for taking time to let me know your thoughts.