Sitting Pretty - Jenday Conure Portrait

by Andrea Lazar
Sitting Pretty - Jenday Conure Portrait
Andrea Lazar
Photograph - Bird Portrait Photography
While her relatives enjoy the jungles of northeastern Brazil, Tinga, a Jenday Conure, has been part of our family for 24 years. Her name came from her
Latin name 'Aratinga Jendaya.'
She enriches our lives with her personality, her determination to get her way, her soft and cuddly side and her role as our 'watch dog' - a role for which her shrill and remarkably loud voice makes her perfectly suited and one which she takes very seriously.
When a camera is pointed at her, she definitely seems to enjoy sitting for her portrait - over and over again.
February 22nd, 2013
Comments (20)

Meryl Goudey
Sounds like my Kitty, except for the watch dog! She would hide to save her adorable self! A vibrant bird. Liked/Fav
Andrea Lazar replied:
She sounds sweet - they are all such unique individuals, aren't they?! Thank you for your nice comment and vote.