Pink Oriental Lily Reassembled 2

by Andrea Lazar
Pink Oriental Lily Reassembled 2
Andrea Lazar
Photograph - Fine Art Photography
The Oriental lily is a dramatic flower; with its dark pink stripes down the middle crease, random spots and varied textures, the gently curving sensuous petals make for a dramatic and sculptural image no matter how they are reassembled.
(No computer wizardry or added texture was used to make this image - the 'stripes' are the lucky positioning of a large zebra figure as seen through the glass table.)
� Andrea Lazar
Andrea Lazar Photography
Closencounters Photography
All rights reserved.
March 4th, 2014
Comments (34)

Andrea Lazar
Bruce, thank you very much for the feature in the group Beautiful Flowers - One per Day.

Andrea Lazar
Stefon - thank you so much for the feature in the group Appreciating works From all Mediums.

John Bailey
Congratulations on being featured in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"
Andrea Lazar replied:
John, thank you very much for the feature in the group Images That Excite You.

Nick Boren
I agree with Tracy... it's so beautiful Andrea... and thanks so much for visiting my tulip field image. If you ever come to Oregon to see the fields they will let you go as often as you like and stay for as long as you like.. :-) fv
Andrea Lazar replied:
Hi, Nick - thank you for you nice comment and support. And for the info about visiting the tulip fields - it would be heavenly!

Pamela Hyde Wilson
The Oriental Lily is just stunning on the zebra figure background! Gorgeous presentation, tones and reflection! f/v