My Little Turtledove

by Andrea Lazar
My Little Turtledove
Andrea Lazar
I love the single snowflake on the top of his head, or maybe it's her head. He/she is one of a family of doves that lives in our woods and regularly hangs out on the deck. I am fascinated by their motion, the back-and-forth of their head as they walk, that they are so docile and gentle looking, and the whirring or whistling sound as they fly off.
I love their soft colors, their patterning, their beautiful eyes outlined in pale blue, their very pretty face and pudgy sweet look overall. Like so many other things in nature that are common and familiar, looking and really seeing them reveals just how remarkable they are.
They are monogamous, are celebrated in art and poetry, and there are many references to them as the official symbols of Peace. And amazingly they can fly at speeds up to 55 mph! Pretty awesome.
This amazing bird is actually a Mourning Dove. Although it is sometimes erroneously referred to as a Turtledove, I used that in my title as a form of endearment for a sweet bird whose presence I cherish.
February 6th, 2013
Comments (25)

Ginny Youngblood
So beautiful. I love painting and drawings birds. This is just beautiful love it. Love your work. L/F

Bedros Awak
I love birds and all ways have my wild birds seed bag with me in the car, and feed them in the parks..So cute! l,f,t,

Parker Cunningham
Totally know the feeling Andrea! When I got my greeting card sale I was so happy :)